Preparing for Middle School

Watch for these academic milestones while your child is preparing for middle school.

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Watch for these academic milestones while your child is preparing for middle school. -->

Preparing for middle school is a crucial point in a lifetime of learning. While elementary school focuses on the student, and high school solidifies his skills, middle school is when your child will decide how important education is to him. Middle-school lessons will not simply teach facts — they will also teach how these facts carry over into real life. Long-term interdisciplinary units will call for creative, agile thinking. Block scheduling (a series of longer class sessions spread over a one- or two-week period) will let your child immerse himself in complex, multi-dimensional topics.

Depending on your district, middle school will begin and end at different grades. Read on for more specific outlines of preparing for middle school in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades.

Preparing for Middle School: Grade 6

Suddenly, nothing is sacred. To the 6th grader, the world is meant to be picked apart and questioned. Worksheets will be replaced by more challenging and open-ended assignments.

Preparing for Middle School: In language arts, he will:

Preparing for Middle School: In math and science, he will:

Preparing for Middle School: In history and social studies, he will:

Preparing for Middle School: Grade 7
Adolescence has truly arrived, and with that, mood swings, identity crises, and social drama. Seventh grade schoolwork will help your child transition into adulthood through tasks that demand reaching out and connecting with society.

Preparing for Middle School: In language arts, she will:

In math and science, she will:

In history and social studies, she will:

Preparing for Middle School: Grade 8
No getting around it — the 8th grader will rebel passionately and frequently. Teachers will try to channel this teenage discontent into assignments that let your child make decisions about his own life and identity.

In language arts, he will:

In math and science, he will:

In history and social studies, he will: