Obtaining a registered nursing (RN) licensure requires students to complete two processes:
1. An application for RN licensure
2. NCLEX pre-registration
The NCLEX is a national exam and students, regardless of where they apply for licensure, should follow these steps:
Obtaining a registered nursing (RN) licensure requires students to complete two processes:
1. An application for RN licensure
2. NCLEX pre-registration
The NCLEX is a national exam and students, regardless of where they apply for licensure, should follow these steps:
The College of Nursing will electronically send the “Certification of Program Completion” letter to the Ohio Board of Nursing on the Friday prior to Spring commencement. This letter will confirm your successful completion of the nursing program; you do not need to provide a transcript for Ohio licensure. The Ohio Board of Nursing will then verify that the following documents / fees have been received by the appropriate agencies and will notify NCLEX Candidate Services that you are eligible to take the licensure examination:
*Every state is different. Many states do not require the "Certificate of Program Completion" letter. Please check with your state’s board of nursing to find out their requirements. If the state you are applying for licensure requires something other than the "Certificate of Program Completion" letter, please reach out to our office at 614-292-4041.
For more information about the licensing process in the state of Ohio, visit nursing.ohio.gov/licensing-certification-ce/.
No. The College of Nursing cannot verify whether or not the OBN received your fingerprints, other required documents, or provide an update on your application since we are separate entities. You may track your application status by following these instructions.
How can I track my OBN application status?
Go to the OBN website for instructions. Click on your name; it will display as “pending” until your license is issued. If it has been more than 35 business days since you submitted your application and your name does not appear, please contact the Licensure Unit at 614-995-7675 or by e-mail at licensure@nursing.ohio.gov.
Visit the NCLEX website to register for the NCLEX exam.
When will my Authorization to Test (ATT) number be sent?
You are not “authorized” until the OBN receives and processes all materials including the "Certification of Program Completion" letter. The "Certification of Program Completion" letter will be sent to the OBN from the College of Nursing during finals week of the term you complete your pre-licensure coursework.
Contact the Testing Service at 1-866-496-2539, if you do not receive the ATT within a reasonable amount of time.
When can I schedule the NCLEX?
You can schedule to complete the NCLEX upon receiving the Authorization to Test (ATT). It’s recommended that you schedule the NCLEX immediately upon receiving the ATT.