This chapter provides an overview of Siebel Assignment Manager concepts and functionality. It includes the following topics:
Siebel Assignment Manager uses different terminology than what you might be accustomed to in standard business terminology. The following table compares some of these terms and describes how they differ from standard business terminology and what they represent in the context of the Assignment Manager application. Familiarize yourself with these terms before planning and creating your assignment rules.
Siebel Assignment Manager Term
In standard business terminology, a territory is a collection of accounts, contacts, and or assets that are managed by a team of positions. Usually a territory is based on a geographic area: either a collection of postal codes or geographic zones.
In Siebel Assignment Manager, an assignment rule is a collection of logical business boundaries. These business boundaries include:
Assignment Rules (continued)
You can also enforce additional business rules using assignment rules. For example, you can define a rule so that a specific account manager manages a particular account and the account's related opportunities.
Note: The word territory is used in other places in the GUI, where it is not related to the assignment territory features described in this guide. For example, the terms described in this table are not the same as the terms used with the Siebel Territory Management module. See also Siebel Territory Management Guide .
In standard business terminology, territory conditions constrain the accounts, contacts, and assets that can be assigned.
In Siebel Assignment Manager, assignment criteria enforce business conditions when applied to assignment rules. An assignment rule can have one or more assignment criteria.
For example, if a sales representative's territory is Northern California, but excludes City Y and Z for Products A, B, and C, then there are three territory conditions (assignment criteria) that define the sales representative's territory. The three conditions are:
Territory Condition Values
Assignment Criteria Values
In standard business terminology, territory condition values are applied to territory conditions to further constrain the accounts, contacts, and assets that can be assigned.
In Siebel Assignment Manager, assignment criteria values are applied to a specific assignment criterion for a particular business condition. For example:
In standard business terminology, business entities can be Accounts, Opportunities, Contacts, Sales Leads, Orders, Campaigns, Service Requests, Trouble Tickets, Activities, and so on. The business representatives for these entities include field service agents, telesales representatives, account executives, and so on.
In Siebel Assignment Manager, business entities are known as assignment objects. An assignment rule is associated with one or more assignment objects.
Territory Managers and Territory Teams
In standard business terminology, territory managers and territory teams are generic terms used mostly in sales organizations.
For a given business boundary, territory managers and their teams manage accounts, opportunities, contacts, or other business entities (or a combination of any or all of these). They are associated with a particular sales business entity because they satisfy or qualify for the business conditions enforced by their organizations. Such business entities might be Account, Opportunity, Contact, Partner, and so on.
In Siebel Assignment Manager, assignment candidates apply not only to sales entities but to service entities as well. Service objects (entities) include Service Request, Product Defect, and so on.
For sales organizations, candidates are positions or organizations. For example, a territory for a sales representative might be Northern California, with the exclusion of City Y and City Z for Products A, B, and C.
For service organizations, candidates are employees or organizations. For example, a territory for a field service installation technician might be City A and City B.
Siebel Assignment Manager routes business entities and work items to the most appropriate candidates by enforcing business rules set by sales, service, and marketing organizations. Assignment Manager does this by matching candidates (that is, employees, positions, and organizations) to predefined and user-configurable assignment objects. To assign the most qualified candidate to each object, Assignment Manager applies assignment rules that you define to each candidate.
To define assignment rules, you select:
For rules that match attributes of an assignment object with attributes of candidates, you can optionally define:Define workload distribution rules if you want to distribute the workload rules evenly between the candidates or if your business logic includes limits on the maximum amount of work that can be handled at one time.
Using the sum of scores at the assignment rule level, Assignment Manager assigns the best candidate for each rule and the best candidates for the object.
You can also customize the way Assignment Manager makes assignments by:
The following table summarizes the Assignment Manager customization tasks and where you can find more information.
For More Information, See …
Define assignment rules
Match attributes of an assignment object with attributes of candidates
Defining workload distribution rules to balance work among the candidates
Define how attributes are matched
Define how assignment rules are matched using rule groups and rule sequencing
Define how candidates are assigned based on person and organization relationships using multitiered assignment
Create and configure your own entities
Run Assignment Manager in different operating modes to process assignments
Running what-if analysis on possible assignments before making actual assignments
Define which servers are used to run selected groups of rules
Delegate the task of creating business logic through rules and criteria to others
Check availability before assigning employees to objects
Siebel Assignment Manager consists of several essential building blocks. This topic provides a brief description of these building blocks, each of which is described in greater detail in other chapters throughout this guide.
An assignment rule is a logical collection of business conditions, and Assignment Manager evaluates potential candidates based on these rules. For example, assume that the U.S. Western Sales Representative position is responsible for sales of Products A, B, and C in ZIP Codes 94401, 94402, and 94403.
In Siebel Assignment Manager, this example translates as follows:
Siebel Assignment Manager uses assignment rules to match assignment objects to candidates. Multiple assignment rules can be active for each assignment object. An assignment rule can also apply to multiple objects.
Assignment rules use criteria and scores to rate candidates and select potential assignees. Candidates that qualify for an assignment rule have the assignment rule score added to their total score. For example, if you have an assignment rule with the Score field set to 20 points, then each candidate that meets the rule's criteria has 20 points applied to his or her total score.
Each assignment rule also has a candidate passing score value. After the total score for a candidate is calculated, Assignment Manager compares this score with the candidate passing score for the assignment rule. If a candidate's score is less than the candidate passing score, then the candidate does not meet the criteria and is not assigned.
In Siebel Assignment Manager, assignment objects represent assignment entities to which candidates are matched based on assignment rules. The concept is analogous to business objects in Siebel Business Applications. You must associate every assignment rule with at least one assignment object.
Assignment criteria are the fundamental building blocks for assignment rules. You translate the assignment business logic that you determine into assignment criteria. Assignment rules use criteria to determine which candidates qualify as potential assignees. Criteria also determine which assignment rule is evaluated in assigning an object. An assignment rule can include none (zero), one, or many criteria.
An assignment criterion is usually defined along with criteria values. For example, assume that you want an assignment requirement that employees speak German. When you create your assignment rule, you select the predefined Language rule criterion and German (or DEU, which is the language code for German) as the criterion value.
You can have several criteria values for the same criterion. For example, assume that a Language rule criterion uses four languages as criteria values: German, Spanish, Italian, and French. Assuming that this assignment rule's candidate passing score is 10 points, and that each language is worth 5 points, the candidates for this assignment rule that possess expertise in at least two of these languages qualify for the assignment rule.
Assignment Manager provides predefined criteria values that are available dynamically based upon the criterion you select, or you can create your own criteria values using Siebel Tools. For example, if you want activities of type Repair or Break-fix handled by a certain employee, then create a rule criterion called Activity Type with two criteria values, Repair and Break-fix. For more information about creating new criteria with values, see Process of Creating Assignment Criteria for Use in Assignment Rules.
Assignment Manager allows you to group assignment rules, splitting them up by business function or other categories. An assignment rule group can include multiple assignment rules, however, an assignment rule can belong to only one rule group. You must associate each assignment rule with a rule group.
Tip: If you do not want to create your own rule groups, then you can associate all assignment rules to the Default Rule Group. The Default Rule Group is provided in the Assignment Manager seed data.
You can split rules and execute a subset of rules at any time. Typically, you want to split rules into rule groups based on business logic.
For example, you can have one set of business rules for assigning repair activities and another set of rules for assigning similar, but different, activities, such as appointment activities. In this situation, you could create two rule groups with five rules each. Then, when assigning a particular activity, you specify the rule group that you want Assignment Manager to process. Only the five rules from the rule group that you specified are processed during assignment of the activity, for example, the five repair activity rules.
In Siebel Assignment Manager, candidates represent the people who or organizations that are evaluated as potential assignees for objects. Depending on the assignment rule that you use, and the object to which a candidate is assigned, candidates can be positions, employees, or organizations, and can be assigned as individuals or as members of a team. Alternatively, you can associate all people or all organizations defined in the database as candidates for a rule. You can also specify a particular candidate or one member of a team as the primary assignee on a specific assignment rule.
When processing rules, Assignment Manager determines potential candidates either statically or dynamically. Assignment Manager determines candidates statically in these cases:
Static candidates do not change as Assignment Manager processes rules (unless you intentionally associate other, different candidates) whereas dynamic candidates are identified during assignment.
Dynamic candidates can come from different, but related business entities. For example, Assignment Manager can assign an activity related to an asset and then dynamically generate a candidate list from the asset team.
Assignment Manager determines dynamic candidates as potential assignees for objects from an attribute on the object row. For example, assume that you have an activity that is associated to an asset. The asset, in turn, is associated with a list of employees. You might want Assignment Manager to treat the list of employees associated with the asset as potential candidates for assignment of that activity. In this situation, the potential candidates are dynamic candidates because they are not statically associated with an assignment rule; instead, they are identified during assignment.
Also note that, if the activity is later associated with a different asset that is associated with a different set of employees, then the list of potential candidates for the same activity can change during the next assignment.
In summary, the following points explain how static candidate assignment differs from dynamic candidate assignment:
Employees represent candidates distinguished by their skills and product expertise and are typically used as candidates in service organizations. For example, a service organization would want to assign employees with the proper skills and expertise to objects, because these employees possess specific skills that are related to the service request or activity. Assignment Manager can also take into account a specific employee's work schedule, calendar, and regional schedule when determining assignments by creating rules based on an employee's availability. For more information about availability-based assignment, see Availability-Based Assignment
Positions represent candidates distinguished by their job functions and are typically used as candidates in sales organizations. For example, a sales organization would want to assign positions to objects, because these positions are responsible for a region or territory.
By assigning positions to objects, you can have one sales representative inherit the opportunities, accounts, and contacts from another representative by reassigning the employee responsible for a specific position.
Note: An assignment object can be either position-based or employee-based, but not both. Assignment Manager does not support assignment of employees and positions to the same assignment object.
An organization represents a group of positions that has limited visibility to particular application data. For example, your company can create separate and distinct organizations to distribute specific information to organizational groups both inside and outside of your enterprise. Both internal and external users are granted access only to the information that the organization wants them to be able to see (such as accounts, opportunities, and contacts) and to the data that these users need to see (such as price lists, products, and literature).
By assigning objects to organizations, you can maintain better security and promote proper business practices by controlling data access and visibility between different organizations. For example, you can limit your distributors' data access by giving them visibility to product information, but restricting their visibility to price lists for the products. To restrict price list visibility, you can create a separate organization for your distributors that does not have access to the price list data. In this case, the price lists are not available to your distributors even if they are assigned to the products.
Some objects allow the assignment of a single organization, whereas other objects allow the assignment of multiple organizations to the same object. For more information about which candidates can be assigned to each of the predefined assignment objects, see the following table.
A team represents a group of employees or positions. Assigning a team allows you to assign a group of individuals that possess various skills or job functions to a particular object.
In sales organizations, teams are typically assigned to objects. For example, you can assign a sales representative and a sales consultant to an opportunity. Alternately, you can assign a team of sales professionals (such as two district representatives, a regional manager, and a sales engineer) to work a single, large sales opportunity.
An individual represents a single employee or a position. Assigning individuals allows you to assign exclusive ownership to an individual who possesses a specific skill or expertise for a particular object.
In service organizations, individuals are typically assigned to objects. For example, you can assign a customer service representative with expertise in disk drives to all service requests that are marked for this area.
Assignment objects can be team-based, individual-based, or both. That is, the same assignment object can be team-based for employees and individual-based for organizations.
The following table shows which candidates can be assigned to some of the predefined assignment objects. This table also shows which assignment objects are restricted to a single assignee, and assignment objects that are capable of incorporating a team of assignees. S indicates the ability to allow only single owner assignments; M indicates the ability to allow multiple owners or team assignments.